lunes, 17 de junio de 2019

My experience with English

I´m learning English at the university for two years on a row and I guess it is a good experience but not so different than school classes. Anyways it was a good moment to developed some skills to improve my English like speak with my partners about everyday stuff but at least in this level I learn  lot about writing skills by the journal blogs of every class about different and interesting topics or sometimes not so much.

I have been studying English so many years of my life but the problem it is that I am not so regular about formal knowledge but on the other hand I watch a lot of series, videos and play videogames on English without problem. I believe that this way to learn English it is the most fun way to do it as long as I try to speak in English in my day and I think that it is my weakness about this idiom.

However I use English very kept on my life like I mentioned before, I watch series and video on English and read some manga or comics. But in a laboral way it is been very useful for me ; I am working as a cashier of Metro Tren and sometimes foreign people needs help to use the transport and in is in that moment that I use all my English skills to help them with direction and indications. I feel very good and I would like to work at some touristic points someday.

I like a lot to learn idioms.

4 comentarios:

  1. Maybe we as students would learn more if we were doing it with something that we enjoy, like watching movies or series. Hope you keep doing it!

  2. Series, videos and play videogames are very usefull for learning English!!! As you I also like a lot learning idioms

  3. I think that practice your language with foreign people is the better way to practice!

  4. I always get confused about with the direction and indications hahaha
